Sunday, August 22, 2010

First foray into Croatia

Eastern bloc art at the crossing
This morning I grabbed my passport and headed to the end of highway 6: the border crossing with Croatia. I knew traffic would be light on a Sunday morning, so this would be a good time to try out our passports; more importantly, I seem to have a desire to explore that my children are not at all eager to encourage, and I can get to the village on the other side of the border without even waking them up.

The crossing was fine, although I had to speak a little more Hungarian than I knew how to provide; interestingly, in the non-town on the other side of the border, the lone Croat there spoke a very comfortable English.

Tiny church
On the Croat side is the merest hint of a village. There were farms and crops, and only one place of business I could find anywhere; and most people seemed to be inside, hopefully enjoying their Sunday morning.
In this picture at left, notice two things: One, that houses are very pleasant in this village, and two, that there is a platform atop the street light, upon which rests a heavy-duty nest.
The highlight of my trip, quite literally, was the abandoned military watch tower that rose from a mound of trees and brush off a dirt road. On a sign off the highway, I read -- in English! -- that this tower had "served for the control of the strictly protected boundary with the former Eastern block."

While I am sure somewhere thousands of miles away, my father is cringing as he's looking at the picture, and though I had hesitations of my own, I saw no lock, no sign, no chain, no impediment save the tangle of nettles at the base and the sting of certainly warranted fear.

But I began to climb, however slowly, over rusted rungs and tired looking bolts. 

At the top, I felt the entire structure sway with my weight. I climbed enough to carefully take a picture of the observation deck and then descended, with great relief. 

But here is what I saw while I was up there, in all four directions:

My last stop was to take a look back at Barcs over the river. I saw the Szabadstrand, the walkway, and the beauty of the river that was ours from both ends.

And then I returned to the European Union once more.


  1. The tower, what a nice place for a picnic. The countryside is beautiful.

  2. Please find out what kind of bird resides in that gigantic bird nest! It looks big enough for Big Bird from Sesame Street.

  3. David, you've gone (reversion to adolescence?) nuts climbing that thing, But it looked worth it!

  4. Wow, the tower swayed with your weight... imagine what it would've done with mine!
