Sunday, September 26, 2010

Listening to Deer

On Friday night, Zoe, Gabor and Kata took Sophie and I to the Golden Fields to listen to the deer bleating at sunset. Even Zoe was quiet as we passed by tobacco fields and edged through the thickets and looked out into the long, flat pastures towards a small herd, one buck shouting his dominance towards the west and south while another shouted back from somewhere else, and another.

We also saw and harvested a few otherworldly mushrooms. "I'm a mushroom hunter!" Kata said.

We left beneath a blood-orange moon, sheets of fog rolling in from the edge of the fields. 

1 comment:

  1. The pictures are beautiful. Thank you for this blog. We get to follow along with you and it's beautiful. I have to go right now. I've been asked to make an emergency call on another doc's patient whose right eye had offended him, and they fear that some other body part might offend him as well now that he's stopped taking medications.
